My Mute Friend The Thug

We generally have this impression that only certain people become thugs and that “it doesn’t fit certain people” at least I know I do.

So tonight again I saw a long time friend of mine, he is, well, mute that is both deaf and dumb. He was born that way.  His mother tries and as far as I know takes care of him and let just say his uncle, my neighbour has the largest house (and it is pretty big) in the community. I say this to say he generally doesn’t want of any thing.

I still however avoid him when I can. I sign and though he know I generally do not around him (some where inside I’m dwelling on a communication barrier). Why? Well frankly he carries himself as a thug (the Jamaican kind.) He is always half dressed in a merino and half jeans raggedly cut and wearing earrings. He walks with that distinctly thuggish lopsided walk and since of late has taken the habit of alms-seeking.

Strangely, I tell myself that if he didn’t look like a thug but still asked me for money, I’d have given it to him.

I do not know where this line of thought is going really because quite frankly people look the part they have/play. For if you look proper chances are you wont be begging money…

In review though I realize that being and looking like a thug is not reserved to anyone or any type of people, rather it is an active choice that one makes.

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